Thursday 25 August 2016

Homework Week 7

Homework Week 7

All homework is due this FRIDAY Week 7 (2/9)

Don't forget you must do study ladder each week. You are to achieve a minimum of 60% of the activities set for you.

Literacy PLURALS

The definition of a plural is: More than one person or thing. There are many rules to follow to spell a plural correctly. This week we will be looking at adding 's' and 'es' again.

Read the following info. You might need to read it twice to make sure you get it!

Adding 's' or 'es' to words that end in O.You can either add an 's' or 'es' to words ending in O. 
If a word ends with an O and the second last letter is a vowel: a,e,i,o,u then we sometimes add 's' Eg: radio/radios, stereo/stereos, video/videos
If a words ends in with an O and the second last letter is a consonant then we sometimes add 's.' Eg kilo/kilos, zero/zeros, piano/pianos, photo/photos
There are exceptions!  sometimes we also add 'es'
Eg: hero/heroes, potato/potatoes, volcano/volcanoes, tomato/tomatoes.
There is no rules for this - It's tricky but the only way to remember them is to learn them.

Spelling rule- Adding "es" or "s" to make a plural
Your list- Adding "es" or "s" to make a plural
5 Words from novel and KLA





Homework activities:

1.   You need to complete at least 1 activity in class - colour it in yellow.          
2.  You need to complete 1 activity at home for homework - colour them in blue.

Watch the youtube clip about the Bathurst Goldfields and answer the following questions.

Write your answers in a Google doc and then submit it to Google Classroom. Don't forget to attach your work when you submit!

* Create a google doc---->put your name in the title------>complete the questions (make sure they are organised neatly) ----------> go to your teacher's Google Classroom---->submit your work (make sure you attach your doc. Do not share your doc.

1) Do you think the gold nugget at the start of the show is real? Why or why not?
2) Estimate what size you think it approximately is? Answer in centimetres. (use the host as a guide to estimate)
3) Find out where the largest gold nugget was found. (hint: you might want to ask Google a smart/specific question). How much did it weigh and how much was it worth?
4) How much would it be worth in today's market if you found it while you were at Bathurst?
5) Which is heavier, Gold or lead? By how much? Do you think that a lump of gold would be heavy to hold?
6) The presenter and the man panning discuss children catching 'gold fever.' Do you think you will catch it when you are panning? Why or why not?
7) List 3 interesting things you saw between the 2:45 mins and the 4:00 min mark.
8) Why are the children digging in the ground at 4:00 minute mark? Are they bored?
9) When the host lit the candle so he could see where he was working, do you think he was he alluvial mining or shaft mining?

Click---> Conjunction game.

Click---> Make a compound sentence game

Click ---> Is this a compound sentence game.

Homework Week 7

Homework Week 7

All homework is due this FRIDAY Week 7 (2/9)

Don't forget you must do study ladder each week. You are to achieve a minimum of 60% of the activities set for you.

Literacy PLURALS

The definition of a plural is: More than one person or thing. There are many rules to follow to spell a plural correctly. This week we will be looking at adding 'es' again.

Read the following info. You might need to read it twice to make sure you get it!

Adding 's' or 'es' to words that end in O.You can either add an 's' or 'es' to words ending in O. 
If a word ends with an O and the second last letter is a vowel: a,e,i,o,u then we sometimes add 's' Eg: radio/radios, stereo/stereos, video/videos
If a words ends in with an O and the second last letter is a consonant then we sometimes add 's.' Eg kilo/kilos, zero/zeros, piano/pianos, photo/photos
There are exceptions!  sometimes we also add 'es'
Eg: hero/heroes, potato/potatoes, volcano/volcanoes, tomato/tomatoes.
There is no rules for this - It's tricky but the only way to remember them is to learn them.

Spelling rule- Adding "es" to make a plural
Your list- Adding "es" to make a plural
5 Words from novel and KLA





Homework activities:

1.   You need to complete at least 1 activity in class - colour it in yellow.          
2.  You need to complete 1 activity at home for homework - colour them in blue.

Watch the youtube clip about the Bathurst Goldfields and answer the following questions.

Write your answers in Google docs and then submit it to Google Classroom. Don't forget to attach your work when you submit!

1) Do you think the gold nugget at the start of the show is real? Why or why not?
2) Estimate what size you think it approximately is? Answer in centimetres. (use the host as a guide to estimate)
3) Find out where the largest gold nugget was found. (hint: you might want to ask Google a smart/specific question). How much did it weigh and how much was it worth?
4) How much would it be worth in today's market if you found it while you were at Bathurst?
5) Which is heavier, Gold or lead? By how much? Do you think that a lump of gold would be heavy to hold?
5) The presenter and the man panning discuss children catching 'gold fever.' Do you think you will catch it when you are panning? Why or why not?
6) List 3 interesting things you saw between the 2:45 mins and the 4:00 min mark.
7) Why are the children digging in the ground at 4:00 minute mark? Are they bored?
8) When the host lit the candle so he could see where he was working, do you think he was he alluvial mining or shaft mining?

Click---> Conjunction game.

Click---> Make a compound sentence game

Click ---> Is this a compound sentence game.

Thursday 18 August 2016

All homework is due this FRIDAY Week 6 (26/8)

Don't forget you must do study ladder each week. You are to achieve a minimum of 60% of the activities set for you.

How is your Word Mania going? More students have cracked the 2000 point mark this week!

Congratulations Year 5! You came 2nd overall in our region. Top job!

Spelling Words for the week

The definition of a plural is: More than one person or thing. There are many rules to follow to spell a plural correctly. This week we will be looking at adding 'es.' Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the plural by adding an 'es' to the end.

Spelling rule- Adding "es" to make a plural
Your list- Adding "es" to make a plural
5 Words from novel and KLA





Homework activities:

1.   You need to complete at least 1 activity in class - colour it in yellow.          
2.  You need to complete 2 activities at home for homework - colour them in blue.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Term 3 Week 5

All homework is due this FRIDAY Week 5 (19/8)

Don't forget you must do study ladder each week. You are to achieve a minimum of 60% of the activities set for you.

How is your Word Mania going? Some students have cracked the 2000 point mark! Wowsers.

Spelling Words for the week

The definition of a plural is: More than one person or thing. There are many rules to follow to spell a plural correctly. This week we will be looking at adding "s"  as it is the plural rule for most nouns.

Spelling rule- Adding "s" to make a plural
Your list- Adding "s" to make a plural
5 Words from novel and KLA





HSIE Panning For Gold.

When you go to Bathurst you will get the chance to pan for gold! Wouldn't it be great if you knew some background knowledge and basic skills before you left?

Alluvial Panning

Your challenge for this weeks homework is to learn some interesting facts about alluvial panning and create your own pan.

First of all we want you to understand and explain the following:
Fool's gold
Other interesting facts or words that you have learnt in class.
Panning technique. (How do you pan for gold? Think of a type of text you could use to present it)

Include all your info on a sheet that you can hand in with your pan.

There is so much information online about gold panning that this time we are not going to give you any links to information or videos to watch. What you research is up to you.

TIP: Remember, not everything you read on the internet is 100% correct. Make sure you have 3 sites/sources to verify your facts!

Secondly, you are to make your own pan! You can use any resources you want to create it. There are many different styles of pans, so do some research and find the type you like.

Some ideas for resources include:
plastic plates
caps or covers
old baking trays

Your pan needs to look used. It also needs to have something in it. Maybe some gold and some rocks....

Both your pan and your info sheet will be displayed in your room. Some may even be chosen to be displayed in the school office....

SCIENCE What's The Matter?

Next week in Science we are going to be doing something that is very interesting! Play these games during the week to help you reinforce your learning of matter.

Thursday 4 August 2016

Homework Term 3 Week 4

Homework this week will be split into three (3) parts.

Part 1 Due Wednesday   Watch Tv activity

Part 2 Due Friday           Correlate your data

Part 3 Due Friday           Spelling activities for the week

Part 1 Watch T.V for an hour..... 

Yes, television (we will give you time to get up off the floor...)

Your job is to collect data about T.V commercials by recording data of ALL the ads that occur during that 1 hour period. You are going to need to figure out a way to record them. (hint... you have been/ are currently collecting data in class) You will have some time to discuss with your class, or you can have a chat with your parents on the best way for you to record your results.

The rules are simple: Must be a free to air channel 7.9.10 (not ABC or SBS).
No cable TV
We prefer you to choose a time frame that will provide a variety of commercials.
Record your data and bring it for Wednesday. This is when you will find out about part 2.

Part 2: Correlating your data due Friday

Correlate means to compare. You now need to present your research so you can compare ads in the form of a graph. You will need to log in to Google Docs and use the skills you learnt during math.
Follow the screenshots below for tips. 

Log in to Google docs and click new - Google Sheets.

Next, name your document then type your frequency table  
 (survey) into the cells.
Highlight your data then find the 'insert chart icon' and click it.

Now you can pick your chart and edit it through customisation.

Once you have finished click 'insert' and it will appear on the spreadsheet.

Last of all submit your homework on Classroom. You do not need to share it with your teacher, when you submit your work-it will be automatically done for you. 

Each teacher's classroom assignment will automatically lock at 7:30am Friday morning. Make sure you have completed and submitted it before then.

Spelling Words for the week

Spelling rule- All about the apostrophe: Contractions
Your list- All about the apostrophe: Contractions
5 Words from novel and KLA





Write out your list words in different fonts.
Choose 5 of your list words. Use each word in a different sentence.
Create an acrostic poem for one of your list words.
Choose 5 words and draw a picture for each one.
Use a dictionary to find the meaning of 6 of  your most challenging words.
Group your list words according to how many syllables they have.
Place your list words into groups. Explain how you grouped them.
Create a word search using as many spelling words as you can and give it to a friend/family member to solve.
Create a wordle using your spelling words.
Make a group of 6 and play ‘Buzz Off’ with one person being the supervisor. Make sure you have turns at being supervisor.
Complete a spelling game on then complete an online spelling test.
Create 3 jokes using your list words.
Write a conversation between 2 people that uses all of your list words.
Write your words in jumbled order. Have a friend or family member unjumble them.
Organise your spelling words in reverse alphabetical order.
Write the longest possible successful sentences you can using as many list words as you can. Can you make another one?
Find the word that comes before and after each of your list words in the dictionary.
Draw a picture and hide 10 of your spelling words in the picture. Get a friend or family member to try and find them all.
Create a code for each letter of the alphabet and then write your spelling words using the code. Ask a friend or family member to decipher each coded word.
Get a friend or family member to record you spelling each of your spelling words (spelling bee style) on an iPad. Upload this and share with your class teacher on Google Drive.
Choose 10 spelling words. Translate your words into numbers using the telephone keypad and add up the value of each letter.
eg, block = b (2) + l (5) + o (6) + c (2) + k (5) = 20
Write your spelling words, leaving blank spaces for all vowel letters. Ask a friend or family member to solve.
eg, bl__ck = black     
       l__st = list
       b__x = box
Time yourself typing out all of your words on a Google Doc. Include your time at the end of the list. Practice as many times as you like to. Can you improve your results?
Type your spelling words on a computer. Make each word have a different font and add a clipart image next to each one. Print out or share with your class teacher on Google Docs.
Write a synonym and/or antymon (or both) for your list words.

Choose 5 spelling words and put them into a word bank at the top of your paper. Write 3 cousin word clues relating to each word and leave a blank after the clues.
* coat, raincoat, hat,________ 
(answer: jacket)

* toast, peanut butter, cream-cheese, __________
(answer: jelly)
Make up a ‘What Am I?’ riddle for your spelling words. You should have atleast 3 clues for each word. eg, * I have 3 letters
                * People drive    
                   around in me
                * I rhyme with the    
                   word jar.
                   What am I?
Pick 10 of your spelling words and write statements to explain their meaning. Some of the statements should be true, and others should be false. Be sure to write True or False next to each statement and underline each spelling word. Ask a friend or family member to circle true/false. 
eg, You go to preschool when you are 12 years old. True or False If you uncover a pot you take the lid off. True or False
Pick 5 spelling words. For each word write a group of words that look like your spelling word, but are misspelled slightly. Don’t forget to include the correct spelling word to the group of words, too. Ask a friend or family member to solve.
eg, righht
Choose 5 of your spelling words and write five alliterative phrases or sentences. An alliteration uses the same initial letter. You may include a word or two that do not begin with the same initial letter. Be sure to underline your spelling words.
eg, Deep down in the dungeon the dragon died.
Use scrabble tiles to work out the sum of each of your words.
Create a cartoon using 3 boxes. Write a caption under each image that includes as many list words as you can.
Use all your list words to create a short story. Underline each of your list words.
Choose 3 spelling words and use the letters from these words to make as many other words as you can.
Use a dictionary to find out if each of your words is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

1.   You need to complete at least 1 activity in class - colour it in yellow.          
2.  You need to complete 1 activity at home for homework this week - colour it in blue.