Thursday 28 April 2016

Term 2 Week 2

STUDY LADDER 4 Times a week!

If you are going to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation can you please collect a registration form from Parish Office.  

Research on the planets of the Solar System! 

This week during science you will be looking at the planets which make up our solar system. Your job for homework is to investigate at least one (1) planet and come prepared for your lesson with some facts.

Some things to consider:

1) You will be sharing your facts with the class, so it is important that you have an idea of what your chosen planet is like.

2) There are many different ways to search for information on your planet. Our list below is just an example. We want you to find things you think no one else in your class will have found.

3) You can record your facts in many different ways. In your homework book, on google docs, type it up and print it off, write it on a piece of paper.

Some sites you can use include:

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