Wednesday 25 May 2016

Travel to Mars, or the Moon, or.....

Design a robot for a special space mission.

Your challenge this week is to build a prototype of your very own robot to take with you on your first mission into space.

The robot will be your only companion you have on your trip to investigate your chosen planet so it will need to have some features that are going to keep you company. It will also be collecting vital information about your planet. 

You must make your robot out of recycled parts from old toys, recyclable materials (boxes, paper towel rolls). You can colour your robot, add hair, or give it sunglasses its design is up to you. Try and remember your steps, you may have to write a procedure about your robot during class time.

After you have finished making your robot prototype you will need to fill in the manufacturing sheet, which is needed to have your robot built ready for your space mission. Your space mission is your bottle rocket launch date. Which is Thursday week 9.

The person in charge of your mission (your teacher) will share a document with you in Google docs. You will need to duplicate it, fill it out, then share back with them.

Make sure you right click/ or go to file
'Make a Copy' then 
'Rename' it as your name.

On your mission sheet you must include important facts about the planet you intend to visit (must be a different planet to one you have already researched for homework). You will also need to take a photo with your robot and insert it in your activity.

You will need to compare the planet to your home, earth. You can compare it’s size, distance from the sun, climate etc. 

Use the website wolfram Alpha (there is an app, but now you have to pay so just use this site) to help. Some information might be a little hard to decipher so make sure you search other ways to find your facts.

Click me Wolfram Alpha

Scroll down to the previous post for help with logging into Classm8

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