Thursday 28 July 2016

Week 3 Term 3

Week 3 Term 3

All of Year 5: Your Science experiment will be held on Thursday (4th Aug). You need to bring your materials for the experiment on that day. You may bring them on Wednesday if you wish to. Each student is contributing in some way for their table.


All students must be completing their activities on study ladder. It is expected that each student completes 60% of the tasks as a minimum. Each Friday the teachers will be checking completion rates as part of weekly homework. 

If you have lost your account login details- Please see your teacher to obtain it. 


All students have been given account login details for Literacy Planet. There are many games to play that will help develop student's language skills and also earn points for their class, grade and the school.

Spelling Words for the week

Spelling rule- All about the apostrophe: Ownership
Your list- All about the apostrophe: Ownership
5 Words from novel and KLA





Write out your list words in different fonts.
Choose 5 of your list words. Use each word in a different sentence.
Create an acrostic poem for one of your list words.
Choose 5 words and draw a picture for each one.
Use a dictionary to find the meaning of 6 of  your most challenging words.
Group your list words according to how many syllables they have.
Place your list words into groups. Explain how you grouped them.
Create a word search using as many spelling words as you can and give it to a friend/family member to solve.
Create a wordle using your spelling words.
Make a group of 6 and play ‘Buzz Off’ with one person being the supervisor. Make sure you have turns at being supervisor.
Complete a spelling game on then complete an online spelling test.
Create 3 jokes using your list words.
Write a conversation between 2 people that uses all of your list words.
Write your words in jumbled order. Have a friend or family member unjumble them.
Organise your spelling words in reverse alphabetical order.
Write the longest possible successful sentences you can using as many list words as you can. Can you make another one?
Find the word that comes before and after each of your list words in the dictionary.
Draw a picture and hide 10 of your spelling words in the picture. Get a friend or family member to try and find them all.
Create a code for each letter of the alphabet and then write your spelling words using the code. Ask a friend or family member to decipher each coded word.
Get a friend or family member to record you spelling each of your spelling words (spelling bee style) on an iPad. Upload this and share with your class teacher on Google Drive.
Choose 10 spelling words. Translate your words into numbers using the telephone keypad and add up the value of each letter.
eg, block = b (2) + l (5) + o (6) + c (2) + k (5) = 20
Write your spelling words, leaving blank spaces for all vowel letters. Ask a friend or family member to solve.
eg, bl__ck = black     
       l__st = list
       b__x = box
Time yourself typing out all of your words on a Google Doc. Include your time at the end of the list. Practice as many times as you like to. Can you improve your results?
Type your spelling words on a computer. Make each word have a different font and add a clipart image next to each one. Print out or share with your class teacher on Google Docs.
Write a synonym and/or antymon (or both) for your list words.

Choose 5 spelling words and put them into a word bank at the top of your paper. Write 3 cousin word clues relating to each word and leave a blank after the clues.
* coat, raincoat, hat,________ 
(answer: jacket)

* toast, peanut butter, cream-cheese, __________
(answer: jelly)
Make up a ‘What Am I?’ riddle for your spelling words. You should have atleast 3 clues for each word. eg, * I have 3 letters
                * People drive    
                   around in me
                * I rhyme with the    
                   word jar.
                   What am I?
Pick 10 of your spelling words and write statements to explain their meaning. Some of the statements should be true, and others should be false. Be sure to write True or False next to each statement and underline each spelling word. Ask a friend or family member to circle true/false. 
eg, You go to preschool when you are 12 years old. True or False If you uncover a pot you take the lid off. True or False
Pick 5 spelling words. For each word write a group of words that look like your spelling word, but are misspelled slightly. Don’t forget to include the correct spelling word to the group of words, too. Ask a friend or family member to solve.
eg, righht
Choose 5 of your spelling words and write five alliterative phrases or sentences. An alliteration uses the same initial letter. You may include a word or two that do not begin with the same initial letter. Be sure to underline your spelling words.
eg, Deep down in the dungeon the dragon died.
Use scrabble tiles to work out the sum of each of your words.
Create a cartoon using 3 boxes. Write a caption under each image that includes as many list words as you can.
Use all your list words to create a short story. Underline each of your list words.
Choose 3 spelling words and use the letters from these words to make as many other words as you can.
Use a dictionary to find out if each of your words is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

1.   You need to complete at least 1 activity in class - colour it in yellow.          
2.  You need to complete 2 activities at home for homework - colour them in blue.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Homework Week 2 Term 3

Homework Week 2 Term 3

Math- 1 metre square: Due Thursday
Everything else: Due Friday


Spelling Words for the week

Spelling rule- 'i' before 'e' except after 'c'
Your list- 'i' before 'e' except after 'c'
5 Words from novel and KLA





Write out your list words in different fonts.
Choose 5 of your list words. Use each word in a different sentence.
Create an acrostic poem for one of your list words.
Choose 5 words and draw a picture for each one.
Use a dictionary to find the meaning of 6 of  your most challenging words.
Group your list words according to how many syllables they have.
Place your list words into groups. Explain how you grouped them.
Create a word search using as many spelling words as you can and give it to a friend/family member to solve.
Create a wordle using your spelling words.
Make a group of 6 and play ‘Buzz Off’ with one person being the supervisor. Make sure you have turns at being supervisor.
Complete a spelling game on then complete an online spelling test.
Create 3 jokes using your list words.
Write a conversation between 2 people that uses all of your list words.
Write your words in jumbled order. Have a friend or family member unjumble them.
Organise your spelling words in reverse alphabetical order.
Write the longest possible successful sentences you can using as many list words as you can. Can you make another one?
Find the word that comes before and after each of your list words in the dictionary.
Draw a picture and hide 10 of your spelling words in the picture. Get a friend or family member to try and find them all.
Create a code for each letter of the alphabet and then write your spelling words using the code. Ask a friend or family member to decipher each coded word.
Get a friend or family member to record you spelling each of your spelling words (spelling bee style) on an iPad. Upload this and share with your class teacher on Google Drive.
Choose 10 spelling words. Translate your words into numbers using the telephone keypad and add up the value of each letter.
eg, block = b (2) + l (5) + o (6) + c (2) + k (5) = 20
Write your spelling words, leaving blank spaces for all vowel letters. Ask a friend or family member to solve.
eg, bl__ck = black     
       l__st = list
       b__x = box
Time yourself typing out all of your words on a Google Doc. Include your time at the end of the list. Practice as many times as you like to. Can you improve your results?
Type your spelling words on a computer. Make each word have a different font and add a clipart image next to each one. Print out or share with your class teacher on Google Docs.
Write a synonym and/or antymon (or both) for your list words.

Choose 5 spelling words and put them into a word bank at the top of your paper. Write 3 cousin word clues relating to each word and leave a blank after the clues.
* coat, raincoat, hat,________
(answer: jacket)

* toast, peanut butter, cream-cheese, __________
(answer: jelly)
Make up a ‘What Am I?’ riddle for your spelling words. You should have atleast 3 clues for each word. eg, * I have 3 letters
                * People drive    
                   around in me
                * I rhyme with the    
                   word jar.
                   What am I?
Pick 10 of your spelling words and write statements to explain their meaning. Some of the statements should be true, and others should be false. Be sure to write True or False next to each statement and underline each spelling word. Ask a friend or family member to circle true/false. 
eg, You go to preschool when you are 12 years old. True or False If you uncover a pot you take the lid off. True or False
Pick 5 spelling words. For each word write a group of words that look like your spelling word, but are misspelled slightly. Don’t forget to include the correct spelling word to the group of words, too. Ask a friend or family member to solve.
eg, righht
Choose 5 of your spelling words and write five alliterative phrases or sentences. An alliteration uses the same initial letter. You may include a word or two that do not begin with the same initial letter. Be sure to underline your spelling words.
eg, Deep down in the dungeon the dragon died.
Use scrabble tiles to work out the sum of each of your words.
Create a cartoon using 3 boxes. Write a caption under each image that includes as many list words as you can.
Use all your list words to create a short story. Underline each of your list words.
Choose 3 spelling words and use the letters from these words to make as many other words as you can.
Use a dictionary to find out if each of your words is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

1.   You need to complete at least 1 activity in class - colour it in yellow.          
2.  You need to complete 2 activities at home for homework - colour them in blue.


Create a One metre square from newspaper. 

Measure, cut, paste, glue and stick paper together.

Fold or roll it up to bring in Thursday August 28th to share and use during your Maths lesson.

Science and Technology

Walk around your home and find objects that are solids, liquids, and gases. Solids can include furniture and clothing, liquids could include oils and juices and gases can include aerosol cans such as hair sprays and air fresheners. Come prepared to describe the properties of each item you find by completing the table below.

List matter
List the matter you found in your home that has a boiling or a freezing point.
What items from your lists can easily change form at home just by normal everyday living?
Example: Remember how the lady in the video melted the icecream.

